FACTUM Books - Study books

Title details

Penguin Historical Atlas of the Medieval World

Penguin Historical Atlas of the Medieval World

by Andrew Jotischky

ISBN: 9780141014494

173,00 kr.   197,00 kr.

This new historical atlas - richly illustrated with photographs, artwork recreations and full-colour maps - explores the Middle Ages from the coming of the barbarian invasions in the fourth century to the first voyages to the New World in the sixteenth. Coverage of major events - the Hundred Years' War, the Christian Reconquest of Spain - is supplemented by discussion of such key topics as the medieval economy, the growth of towns and the spread of printing, resulting in a rich and multi-faceted introduction to Europe and its neighbours in the Middle Ages.


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This new historical atlas - richly illustrated with photographs, artwork recreations and full-colour maps - explores the Middle Ages from the coming of the barbarian invasions in the fourth century to the first voyages to the New World in the sixteenth. Coverage of major events - the Hundred Years' War, the Christian Reconquest of Spain - is supplemented by discussion of such key topics as the medieval economy, the growth of towns and the spread of printing, resulting in a rich and multi-faceted introduction to Europe and its neighbours in the Middle Ages.

About the book
Title Penguin Historical Atlas of the Medieval World
Author Andrew Jotischky
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd
Publication date 28.04.2005
ISBN-13 9780141014494
Edition -
Pages -
Danish publication origin No