FACTUM Books - Billige studiebøger

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Human Resource Management A Contemporary Approach

Human Resource Management A Contemporary Approach

af Julie Beardwell

ISBN: 9781292119564

613,00 kr.   697,00 kr.

This highly engaging, bestselling textbook, now in its eighth edition offers a comprehensive examination of contemporary human resource management issues and debates. Aimed at undergraduate, postgraduate and MBA students, this title provides an authoritative source for students of CIPD Advanced qualifications.


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This highly engaging, bestselling textbook, now in its eighth edition offers a comprehensive examination of contemporary human resource management issues and debates. Aimed at undergraduate, postgraduate and MBA students, this title provides an authoritative source for students of CIPD Advanced qualifications.

Om bogen
Titel Human Resource Management A Contemporary Approach
Forfatter(e) Julie Beardwell
Kategori -
Forlag Pearson Education Limited
Udgivelsesdato 26.05.2017
ISBN-13 9781292119564
Format -
Udgave 8
Sidetal -
Dansk udgivelse/oprindelse Nej