FACTUM Books - Study books

Title details

Clinical Management of Binocular Vision

Clinical Management of Binocular Vision

by Mitchell Scheiman; Bruce Wick

ISBN: 9781496399755

854,00 kr.  

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The first new edition of Clinical Management of Binocular Vision in five years has been updated?across all chapters?with new guidelines and protocols based on the latest research in the field. You?ll learn how to perform current, clinically accurate assessments, diagnoses, and therapies for a wide range of conditions. Each disorder is tackled in detail, touching on common symptoms, instrumentation, available treatment options, and more.


The first new edition of Clinical Management of Binocular Vision in five years has been updated?across all chapters?with new guidelines and protocols based on the latest research in the field. You?ll learn how to perform current, clinically accurate assessments, diagnoses, and therapies for a wide range of conditions. Each disorder is tackled in detail, touching on common symptoms, instrumentation, available treatment options, and more.

About the book
Title Clinical Management of Binocular Vision
Author Mitchell Scheiman; Bruce Wick
Publisher Wolters Kluwer Health
Publication date 16.09.2019
ISBN-13 9781496399755
Edition 5
Pages -
Danish publication origin No