FACTUM Books - Study books

Title details

eBOG: Information Risk Management

eBOG: Information Risk Management

by Sutton, David

ISBN: 9781780175751

503,00 kr.  

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Information risk management (IRM) is about identifying, assessing, prioritising and treating risks to keep information secure and available. This accessible book is a practical guide to understanding the principles of IRM and developing a strategic approach to an IRM programme. It is the only textbook for the BCS Practitioner Certificate in Information Risk Management and this new edition reflects recent changes to the syllabus and to the wider discipline.


Information risk management (IRM) is about identifying, assessing, prioritising and treating risks to keep information secure and available. This accessible book is a practical guide to understanding the principles of IRM and developing a strategic approach to an IRM programme. It is the only textbook for the BCS Practitioner Certificate in Information Risk Management and this new edition reflects recent changes to the syllabus and to the wider discipline.

About the book
Title eBOG: Information Risk Management
Author Sutton, David
Publisher BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT
Publication date 27.09.2021
ISBN-13 9781780175751
Edition 2
Pages -
Danish publication origin No