FACTUM Books - Study books

Title details

Carpe That F*cking Diem Quotes and Mottos for Making the Most of Life

Carpe That F*cking Diem Quotes and Mottos for Making the Most of Life

by Summersdale Publishers

ISBN: 9781786855640

71,00 kr.   81,00 kr.

Good things come to those who don't f*cking wait. Grab life by the horns and go seize the sh*t out of the day with this collection of kick-ass quotations and rousing affirmations. From the wisdom of ancient sages to sound advice from today's superstars, these are words to get you pumped for maximum SUCCESS AND SATISFACTION.


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Good things come to those who don't f*cking wait. Grab life by the horns and go seize the sh*t out of the day with this collection of kick-ass quotations and rousing affirmations. From the wisdom of ancient sages to sound advice from today's superstars, these are words to get you pumped for maximum SUCCESS AND SATISFACTION.

About the book
Title Carpe That F*cking Diem Quotes and Mottos for Making the Most of Life
Author Summersdale Publishers
Publisher Octopus Publishing Group
Publication date 13.09.2018
ISBN-13 9781786855640
Edition -
Pages -
Danish publication origin No