FACTUM Books - Study books

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Methodology for Creating Business Knowledge

Methodology for Creating Business Knowledge

by Ingeman Arbnor

ISBN: 9781847870599

867,00 kr.   986,00 kr.

`Arbnor and Bjerke′s deep insight into theory construction and their honest appraisal of knowledge creation makes this edition absolutely essential for business scholars. I recommend this book to scholars in any area of business seeking a more thoughtful and useful understanding of research methodology′ - Morgan Miles, Professor of Marketing, Georgia Southern University `These are two authors on top of their game, using their vast experience and depth of knowledge to present a complex topic in a framework which is understandable and usable by anyone doing academic research. This third edition will ensure that this book remains the essential read for social science researchers′ - David Carson, Professor of Marketing, University of Ulster Arbnor and Bjerke′s best-selling text, first published in 1997, remains unrivalled; both in its contemporary relevance to research methodology, and in its coverage of the interplay between the philosophy of science, methodology and business. The authors make an in-depth examination into the circularity of knowledge and its foundations and analyze the repercussions for business, research and consulting. Where knowledge is a competitive necessity understanding its foundations is a necessity. The Third Edition has been updated to be even more relevant to the contemporary interests of business knowledge. Additional extras include: - Several more examples are included, plus previous examples have been updated - Improved illustrations and diagrams - Revised presentation makes the book easier to use - Useful summaries of the key points and concepts to aide accessibility - Points of reflection allow the reader to further their thinking on the topics - A glossary of terms - A teacher′s manual which can be requested from the book′s website


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`Arbnor and Bjerke′s deep insight into theory construction and their honest appraisal of knowledge creation makes this edition absolutely essential for business scholars. I recommend this book to scholars in any area of business seeking a more thoughtful and useful understanding of research methodology′ - Morgan Miles, Professor of Marketing, Georgia Southern University `These are two authors on top of their game, using their vast experience and depth of knowledge to present a complex topic in a framework which is understandable and usable by anyone doing academic research. This third edition will ensure that this book remains the essential read for social science researchers′ - David Carson, Professor of Marketing, University of Ulster Arbnor and Bjerke′s best-selling text, first published in 1997, remains unrivalled; both in its contemporary relevance to research methodology, and in its coverage of the interplay between the philosophy of science, methodology and business. The authors make an in-depth examination into the circularity of knowledge and its foundations and analyze the repercussions for business, research and consulting. Where knowledge is a competitive necessity understanding its foundations is a necessity. The Third Edition has been updated to be even more relevant to the contemporary interests of business knowledge. Additional extras include: - Several more examples are included, plus previous examples have been updated - Improved illustrations and diagrams - Revised presentation makes the book easier to use - Useful summaries of the key points and concepts to aide accessibility - Points of reflection allow the reader to further their thinking on the topics - A glossary of terms - A teacher′s manual which can be requested from the book′s website

About the book
Title Methodology for Creating Business Knowledge
Author Ingeman Arbnor
Publisher Sage Publications Ltd
Publication date 22.12.2008
ISBN-13 9781847870599
Edition 3
Pages -
Danish publication origin No