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Berne and Levy Physiology

Berne and Levy Physiology

af Bruce M. Koeppen; Bruce A. Stanton

ISBN: 9780323847926

792,00 kr.  

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Pairing necessary detail with concise readability, Berne & Levy Physiology, 8th Edition, provides a perfect balance of content to deliver an in-depth understanding of the body?s dynamic processes. Long respected for its scientifically rigorous approach, this highly regarded, mid-size text offers essential physiology with integrated coverage of biophysics andkey experimental observations and examples?all designed to provide a solid scientific foundation in physiology for future scientists and clinicians. 

  • Uses a logical, organ system-based approach that clearly describes all of the mechanisms that control and regulate bodily function. 

  • Includes new clinical case examples, as well as In the Clinic and At the Molecular Level boxes that highlight practical aspects of this fundamental science. 

  • Provides key experimental observations and examples that offer a rich understanding of the body's dynamic processes. 

  • Discusses recent discoveries such as the role of lymphatics in the nervous system. 

  • Begins each chapter with a bulleted list of questions and ends with key concepts covered in that chapter. 


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792,00 kr.

Pairing necessary detail with concise readability, Berne & Levy Physiology, 8th Edition, provides a perfect balance of content to deliver an in-depth understanding of the body?s dynamic processes. Long respected for its scientifically rigorous approach, this highly regarded, mid-size text offers essential physiology with integrated coverage of biophysics andkey experimental observations and examples?all designed to provide a solid scientific foundation in physiology for future scientists and clinicians. 

  • Uses a logical, organ system-based approach that clearly describes all of the mechanisms that control and regulate bodily function. 

  • Includes new clinical case examples, as well as In the Clinic and At the Molecular Level boxes that highlight practical aspects of this fundamental science. 

  • Provides key experimental observations and examples that offer a rich understanding of the body's dynamic processes. 

  • Discusses recent discoveries such as the role of lymphatics in the nervous system. 

  • Begins each chapter with a bulleted list of questions and ends with key concepts covered in that chapter. 

Om bogen
Titel Berne and Levy Physiology
Forfatter(e) Bruce M. Koeppen; Bruce A. Stanton
Forlag Elsevier
Udgivelsesdato 12.02.2023
ISBN-13 9780323847926
Udgave 8
Sidetal -
Dansk udgivelse/oprindelse Nej