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Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

af Martin Christopher

ISBN: 9781292416199

401,00 kr.  

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Supply chains and the logistics activities that drive them are critical to business success. Logistics and Supply Chain Management has the most up-to-date practical tools to manage the people and processes that allow businesses to gain and maintain competitive advantage through their supply chains. You'll discover how effective development and management of supply chain networks will help businesses cut costs and enhance customer value. 


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Vital Source ubegrænset
520,00 kr.
Vital Source 365 dage
401,00 kr.

Supply chains and the logistics activities that drive them are critical to business success. Logistics and Supply Chain Management has the most up-to-date practical tools to manage the people and processes that allow businesses to gain and maintain competitive advantage through their supply chains. You'll discover how effective development and management of supply chain networks will help businesses cut costs and enhance customer value. 

Om bogen
Titel Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Forfatter(e) Martin Christopher
Forlag Pearson (Intl)
Udgivelsesdato 28.11.2022
ISBN-13 9781292416199
Udgave 6
Sidetal -
Dansk udgivelse/oprindelse Nej