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E-Commerce 2023-2024: Business. Technology. Society., Global Edition

E-Commerce 2023-2024: Business. Technology. Society., Global Edition

af Kenneth C. Laudon; Carol Guercio Traver

ISBN: 9781292449661

314,00 kr.  

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E-commerce 2023?2024: business. technology. society. provides you with an in-depth introduction to e-commerce with coverage of key concepts and the latest empirical and financial data. Hundreds of examples from companies such as Meta®, TikTok®, Netflix®, YouTube®, Walmart®, and Amazon® illustrate how e-commerce is altering business practices and driving shifts in the global economy. The 18th Edition features all new or updated opening, closing, and ?Insight on? cases. Coverage reflects the latest developments in business, technology, and society that impact e-commerce, with text, data, figures and tables updated through September 2022. Each chapter ends with a section on careers in e-commerce that features job postings from online companies for entry-level positions. Tips on how to prepare for interviews and apply course knowledge to likely interview questions are included. This print textbook is available for students to rent for their classes. The Pearson print rental program provides students with affordable access to learning materials, so they come to class ready to succeed.


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Vital Source ubegrænset
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Vital Source 90 dage
314,00 kr.
Vital Source 180 dage
357,00 kr.

E-commerce 2023?2024: business. technology. society. provides you with an in-depth introduction to e-commerce with coverage of key concepts and the latest empirical and financial data. Hundreds of examples from companies such as Meta®, TikTok®, Netflix®, YouTube®, Walmart®, and Amazon® illustrate how e-commerce is altering business practices and driving shifts in the global economy. The 18th Edition features all new or updated opening, closing, and ?Insight on? cases. Coverage reflects the latest developments in business, technology, and society that impact e-commerce, with text, data, figures and tables updated through September 2022. Each chapter ends with a section on careers in e-commerce that features job postings from online companies for entry-level positions. Tips on how to prepare for interviews and apply course knowledge to likely interview questions are included. This print textbook is available for students to rent for their classes. The Pearson print rental program provides students with affordable access to learning materials, so they come to class ready to succeed.

Om bogen
Titel E-Commerce 2023-2024: Business. Technology. Society., Global Edition
Forfatter(e) Kenneth C. Laudon; Carol Guercio Traver
Forlag Pearson (Intl)
Udgivelsesdato 21.06.2023
ISBN-13 9781292449661
Udgave 18
Sidetal -
Dansk udgivelse/oprindelse Nej